Wednesday 18 June 2014

last week...

Written by Miguel:

Well guys, the weekend arrived and it is time to spend our free time and money in London so... at the end it was not so much as we have well organized the programme.

As we have expected, we bougth our tickets for our visit to London and booked a shared sleeping room for José Luis and me. Nieves, enjoying her family there meanwhile we walked through all the city. 

The clasic tour: we started in Candem and took some energy eating a pizza on the street to avoid losing time. Afterwards, Covent Garden (where we drank a beer that costed 6 pounds to each one) and Trafalgar where there was a huge party of Hare Kishna.

Finally, when our English friends arrived to help us to discover London, I thought that I have visited all: a big error. We missed the best. A touristic route by boat or bus (there were clouds of them in the city) and a visit to the parliament, but inside! we were accompained by an excellent guide that told us a lot of things impossible to describe here. We were on the heart of the British democracy, sat close to the chairs of the prime minister or the chief of the oposition and... close to the chair of the Speaker that, in concrete ceremonies, is occupied by the Queen. As it was forbidden to make photos, I attach you one that we made outside with a couple of public servants that prove that we visited the place. 

The next day it was for working. During the morning, we prepared a report tha we will present first in private and afterwards in publich about our work. On the afternoon, we cooked some Spanish omelettes of potatoes for around 20 people, they were delicious for them! Don´t you believe me? up to you...